Our pen of 4 yearling rams entered in the Midwest Sale.
As mentioned in the News and Notes Page, this will be our last year selling at the Midwest Stud Ram Sale in Sedalia, Missouri.
Our operation has expanded and late June is busy and not a good time for us to be away from home.
The four yearling rams we’re bringing are right off the top of our stud flock.
Two are sired by Amarula Weebollabolla, high selling ram at $15,000 at the 2015 National Sale in Dubbo.
Two are sired by Gossamer Downs 110422 from Etiwanda White Dorpers. He has sired many of the top W. Dorpers on the Lambplan Elites List.
All four rams are trait leaders (top 10%) for the MCP Maternal Carcass Production Index.
All our rams are raised outside and not pampered. They are carefully screened and selected on physical traits and on their LambPlan EBV’s. Up to date EBVs will be available at the sale.
We will also be selling a Weebollabolla yearling ewe and three pens of three yearling ewes.
These ewes also have LambPlan EBVs. Contact us or visit our pens for more information on any of our consignments.
Later in summer we will have some older registered and commercial ewes for sale at the ranch. We will also have some starter flocks available, including a registered ram.
Contact us for more information on these after July.